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Important Reasons to Add Amla to Your Daily Diet

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Amla is a translucent green fruit whose name comes from the Sanskrit word “Amlaki,” which meaning “nectar of life.” It is well-known in India for its numerous health benefits and ability to treat a variety of diseases. According to Ayurveda, this can balance the three doshas in our bodies, namely kapha, vata, and pitta, hence removing the root cause of many ailments. Just like aam papad 1kg price, it is also as popular.

Have you heard of Amla, or Indian Gooseberry, another super-food?

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Benefits for Skin

Make this a part of your daily skincare routine and notice the difference. It not only gives skin a healthy glow, but it also keeps it nourished. It’s also a super-food because of its anti-aging qualities.

Benefits for Hair

It heals dandruff, reduces hair loss, slows greying, strengthens hair follicles, and improves blood circulation to the scalp, making it a proven hair tonic. This is frequently used to achieve lustrous, strong hair.

Relieves Pain

Arthritis, joint aches, and severe mouth ulcers are just a few of the usual aches and pains that people face on a regular basis. All of these pains can be eased by utilizing it on a daily basis because of its anti-inflammatory effects. Gargle with its juice after diluting it in half a cup of water to obtain relief from ulcers.

Improves Eyesight

It includes carotene, which aids in the improvement of vision. Including Amla in your daily diet can help improve overall eye health and alleviate problems like cataracts and intraocular tension, as well as reduce redness, itching, and watering.

Helps Manage Chronic Conditions

Diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, asthma, and cancer have all become chronic ailments affecting a great number of individuals today. The good news is that Amla has a wide range of therapeutic applications, and it can help with a variety of chronic health issues.

Acts as a Natural Blood Purifier

One of the many advantages of Indian gooseberry is that it contains Vitamin C, which strengthens and thickens blood vessels. It works as an antioxidant and detoxifies the body effectively. Its powder, when mixed with a tablespoon of honey or jaggery, can work as a natural blood purifier and, when taken on a daily basis, can raise hemoglobin levels.

Aids Weight Management

Its juice aids digestion and improves metabolism, making it advantageous to people who are attempting to lose weight. There are several benefits to eating this on an empty stomach, and many individuals do so in order to reduce weight. It’s known for its alkaline characteristics, which aid in the cleansing and strengthening of the digestive tract.

 Prevents Constipation

Its high fiber content is beneficial to the digestive system, as it relieves constipation. Because dried Amla powder contains anti-inflammatory characteristics, it can be used to treat hyperacidity and prevent stomach ulcer.

Fights Infections and Prevents Chest Congestion

When taken three to four times a day, its Powder mixed with two teaspoons of honey provides relief from cough and cold. It can also help to clear mucus from the respiratory system and relieve irritated airways. As a result, it’s utilized to treat bronchitis, cough, and other respiratory ailments.

Improves Immunity

Its high Vitamin C concentration makes it a great way to boost your immunity and metabolism. It has been shown to effectively combat viral and bacterial infections, as well as reduce the effects of numerous health issues such as cancer and heart disease.

Also, Visit – Calcium-Rich Foods to Build Strong Bones and Boost Bone Health

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