Vacuum Sealed Coffee

What are the Benefits of Vacuum Sealed Coffee?

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If you are a coffee enthusiast, in the likelihood you have faced these two situations. First, you get a hold of a lot of your favourite coffee beans at once, which leads to not knowing how to store them. I do not blame you because who can resist when their favourite coffee is in front of them!

Second, roasting a large batch of coffee in one go and then having difficulty storing them well. Furthermore, what happens many a time is that after you have roasted a large batch, you tend to store them in airtight containers. That will keep your coffee fresh only for about a month.

I am sure you have experienced it where the rest of it usually goes stale if you cannot finish your coffee within that time. But guess what? Vacuum-sealed coffee bags will come to your rescue! Your coffee beans packaging bags should be such that they help you to store coffee for a long period.

This article will discuss all the various benefits that vacuum coffee bags bring you. After going through the article, it will be difficult not to want to vacuum store your coffee beans.

1. You Get a Lot of Free Space.

Airtight containers are sure to take up a lot of space in your cupboard. Vacuum packaging bags will not do that. In a vacuum coffee storage bag, there is little to no air in between the beans. Consequently, the space needed to store even a large batch of beans is very less.

What’s more, say you are on vacation, and you want to carry a small batch of your favourite coffee. Vacuum-sealed coffee bags will allow you to do that easily. Your cupboard will have a lot of free space from now on. You will not have to think about fitting airtight containers anymore. These coffee storage bags are sure to take up way little space.

2. You Get Fresher Coffee.

When you vacuum-seal your coffee, you get a much fresher batch for a much longer time. In airtight containers, a lot of oxygen is present, which increases the rate of staling. That is the reason your coffee stays alright for only 4 to 6 weeks.

But, what happens with vacuum packaging bags is the opposite. Due to very little to almost no presence of oxygen, the coffee does not go stale. It stays fresh for a long period. The oxidation process is much slower in these storage bags. Once you store coffee beans in a vacuum-sealed bag, you are tension-free for the next two years.

3. It is Easier to Gift it to Others.

Tupperware is a huge concern, and there is no denying it! Say you want to gift a batch of your favourite roast to someone. In case you give it in an airtight container, there is always the situation of the other person feeling obligated to return it. Your mom might want the container back as well! What do you do?

Storing green coffee beans in vacuum packaging bags come to your rescue then. You can very easily gift it to someone without ever needing it back. The other person will be able to store the beans and have them for a long time. Neither of you will have the obligation of further exchanging the container. It is a win-win situation for everyone!

4. Excellent for Storing Unroasted Beans as Well.

Did you know vacuum sealing your coffee beans is not only applicable for roaster beans but also to unroasted ones! There are many ways to store roasted coffee beans otherwise, but a few when it comes to the unroasted green ones. You might want to store unroasted green ones instead of roasted ones, and it will be the same.

It is not possible to roast a large batch of your favourite coffee beans every time, right? You might want to store the unroasted green beans for future use. You can store it for years in a coffee storage bag without having to worry.

Furthermore, with roasted beans, there is an additional problem with the beans letting out gas. Green unroasted ones do not pass any gas. Consequently, you will not have any worry about using a valve that is one-way in such a situation.

5. It Increases the Life Span of Your Coffee.

When you store coffee beans in an airtight container, the oxidation process inside does not let the beans stay fresh for long. With coffee bean packaging bags, you can easily increase the lifespan of the beans by up to two years! You can buy a large batch of your favourite coffee without worrying at all. When you keep beans in a vacuum-sealed green coffee bean storage, the beans will not go bad.

Easy Way to Vacuum Seal Your Coffee

Of course, you can vacuum seal your coffee with machines. But there is an easy way to vacuum-seal your coffee at home. For that, you will need two things: a straw and a plastic zip-lock bag.

  • Take the zip-lock bag made of plastic and straw in front of you.
  • Next, seal the back of the back but leave the small opening of the straw hole.
  • With the straw, suck out the entire amount of air from the plastic bag. This will make your plastic zip-lock bag vacuum. You can then pour the coffee beans inside it.
  • Next, zip up the bag with the coffee beans inside it and store it aside. Simple!

Finally, you can easily vacuum-seal your coffee with a one-way valve plastic bag. Some people prefer buying coffee beans and not ground coffee. Storing methods for ground coffee is a discussion for another day. As far as coffee beans are concerned, this is undoubtedly one of the best ways available to you.


If you know you will be using your coffee beans within one and a half months, storing them in airtight containers is a good option. In case you need to store them for a longer period, there is nothing as beneficial as vacuum sealing your coffee. While it is true it will not time lock the beans; these coffee beans packaging bags will surely slow down the process of staling.

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