Martial Arts Skills for Security Guards

Most Useful Martial Arts Skills for Security Guards

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The security guard is a profession that encounters various troublemakers; some trouble can be resolved with simple verbal communication, while others can demand some physical beating.

When we think from the perspective of a company hiring security guards, what would they want? Security and safety! Isn’t it? So, whether it’s hospital security guards or warehouse security guards, it is essential to know how to protect their clients from every possible threat.

The world is a huge place; you will meet several people every day. Many brawlers or street thugs often know a thing or two about fighting, and when such people cause a problem within or near the business, things can easily get heated up and lead to fights. A fight can also break out when a customer gets aggressive.

When a fight breaks out, words no longer affect the situation; the only way to neutralize the situation is to restrain or separate the brawlers. For security guards, it is necessary to be trained in any discipline of martial arts. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best practical martial arts that help security guards protect themselves and the people around them from the thugs of the streets.

What is martial art?

Martial arts is an art form that uses the whole human body as a shield and a weapon against another person. A martial artist is a trained person who can fight against many people with or without any weapon.

It originated in 527 AD in India, from where it gradually spread to the world, creating various forms and disciplines. In modern times, there are more than 180 types of martial art worldwide. And the discipline in which a security guard is trained can vary from their employer to their personal interests.

Most useful martial arts for security guards


  • Boxing is one of the most commonly taught martial arts. Many hospital security guards are trained enough to throw a jab across the face of the brawler.
  • However, properly learning boxing significantly improves the power of punches and agility of the person. This discipline focuses on movement with powerful punches. So, it is a handy skill to learn.

Muay Thai

  • Muay Thai is also called the art of 8 limbs because it has 8 contact points. It was originated in Thailand. This martial arts discipline is famous for its direct strikes and devastating blows. A few months back, a video of a cop trained in Muay Thai fighting a street thug went viral.
  • The video received millions of views and appreciation from many people. So, this style of martial arts is a great companion for warehouse security guards as it primarily focuses on basic but powerful movements.


  • Jiu-Jitsu is a Brazilian martial art that focuses on grappling and locks. This is a highly efficient martial art that a hospital security guard can use to restrain a person.
  • Hospital is a place where people can get aggressive because everyone is suffering and everyone wants to be treated first, so the patients have huge stress in their minds. Therefore, even the slightest problem can cause a major outbreak and make a patient aggressive.
  • Sometimes these people can get aggressive, and if they start hurting another patient, then hospital security guards can use Jiu-Jitsu skills to pin them down and lock them.


  • Karate is a popular martial art that is based on body strengthening. For example, security guards trained in karate undergo extensive body conditioning, making them numb to most of the pain and powerful enough to take down a person.
  • Karate is a popular type of martial arts which is practical and highly efficient. They are highly effective because it makes them tough and prepared for different situations.


  • It is one of the most loved sports in the world. Many of us grew up watching fights between undertaker, Kane, Batista, and The Rock slamming others here and there.
  • We all have tried copying them. Similarly, wrestling is a martial art that involves grappling, slams, locks, and various holds.
  • Although the one inside the ring is mostly safe (comparatively to slamming them on the concrete), in real life, slamming a person on the floor will easily knock them, and it will definitely make it harder for them to get up.
  • This form of fighting is easy and develops muscles, making it easy to carry people. So, many warehouse security guards are equipped with this form of fighting.


  • MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts. It is like a collection of various forms of disciplines and combines different moves to create a personalized version of Martial arts.
  • This free-style art is free and rarely has any rules or guidelines. But security guards trained in this form can punch, kick, fight, grapple, slam, thrust, and strike offenders and keep their area secure from such people.


  • When it comes to the king of kicks, no other martial art can match the variations of taekwondo. It is a world-renowned martial art that has the most powerful kicks.
  • Although it is not quite popular among the security guards, the agility and mobility of a taekwondo martial artist are superior to every other martial art form in terms of leg strength.
  • A single kick from a security guard who knows taekwondo can bring even the biggest person to their knees.

Krav Maga

  • What do you get when combining Judo, Boxing, Aikido, Karate, and Wrestling? The answer is Krav Maga. Krav Maga is a popular fighting style that is designed for real-world situations.
  • It was initially designed for Israeli special forces, and the main intent of this form is to kill or immobilize the other person with extreme efficiency.

These are some of the most practical and useful martial arts that hospital security guards, warehouse security guards, and many other types of guards are trained in, allowing them to perform their duties properly. In addition, many top securities guard companies train their guards in any of these disciplines, thus improving their service and boosting the safety and security of clients.

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