Android Apps for Students

Important Android Apps for Students

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Technology is one of the greatest innovations and inventions of the 21st century. This invention helps us and you to be more connected and help make our lives a lot easier. One o the greatest thing that came from technology is the advent of – Applications or Apps. These apps help us in communication, services, entertainment, information gathering, and many other things.

In this day and age, you can easily find an app for everything nowadays. Most of these apps are either cheap or absolutely free of cost. And they are very fun to use which helps your life way easier and simpler as well.

If you are a student in this modern world, it is much easier and simpler in nature. There are a lot of apps nowadays that can help a student take notes, revise, wake up in the morning, and also keep fit. So here are a few apps that you as a student can use to live your best student life. These Student App are usually free of all costs and very user friendly.

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Important Android Apps For Students

Here are a few important android apps, that are used by students all over the world.

1. Lecture Apps

One of the most important things for a student is to attend lectures ao professors and teachers. During these lectures, students usually scramble in taking notes and listening to professors.

Though it is very easy to record the lectures through recorders, but by using these lecture apps you can capture the whole lecture with a whole transcript also.

Apps like SoundNote in iOS ar be a very popular app that can be used on your iPad, it acts as both a notepad and also an audio recorder, hence it works as both a visual and audio recorder.

2. Revision Apps

Revision is one of the most important things in a student’s life. Before every exam, assignment, or quiz, it is important to revise the study materials and information well enough.

Hence, when tech businesses came up with revision apps, they became revolutionary and very popular. Apps like StudyBlue, have helped students a lot. If there are students who are more comfortable studying from flashcards, then this app is the best app for them to use.

There is another app called GoConqr, which is a very efficient revision app that contains mind apps, flashcards, revision charts, notes, and even quizzes. Through this app, you can collaborate and connect with friends, classmates, and students.

3. Exam Prep Apps

The most inevitable thing in a student’s life are – Exams! It is an event that no student can avoid. But to help students with their exams and their studying, there are apps made to help students in this situation.

These apps have study, materials, and mock tests for exams like MCAT, and GMAT. LSAT, and even GRE tests. So apps like, BenchPrep are a big help, this app uses social media networks to connect students with other people who are giving the test, so that they would help each other in mock tests, quizzes, etc.

TCY Exam Prep is also an Android app, that helps Indian and US students in exams such as MBA. CAT and GRE, GATE tests alike.

4. Student Planner Apps

One of the most important things for students is to be well organized. Students need to be organized with their books, study materials, and timetable. There are apps that help students organize their all study materials.

Some of the popular student planner apps are Timetable, which is an android app, that has a clean and clear interface, where you can properly organize your timeline on a daily basis. You can maintain charts and spreadsheets here in a layout format.

5. Bibliography Helper Apps

Writing a proper bibliography is very important for every college or university student. When you are writing a research or dissertation paper, it is very important to write a proper bibliography.

Apps like EasyBib are extremely useful to help students. Which will help you to create the correct academic references from different books just by scanning the book’s barcode. There are three bibliography styles that EasyBib offers, which are MLA, APA, and the Chicago style as well.

6. Video Call Apps

In this modern age, a lot of homeschooling and distance studying have caused a lot of revolution in the world of education. From a classroom setting a face to face, the situation changed to an online situation. Where video calling became an important instrument.

Video calling apps such as Skype, FaceTime, or even Zoom became a revolutionary instrument for students. With the use of high speed internet, and high quality cameras and speakers, students have learned a lot even though not in a face to face situation.

7. Students Safety Apps

It is an important factor in today’s world, that safety is a crucial thing to think about. The personal safety of students both on and off campus is very important. Hence, technology had to have a contribution in that aspect as well.

An app like Circle of Six was created both on Android and iOS, it was used by university and college students app  to keep connected with each other. This app is most helpful in finding the location of lost friends.

With the use of a GPS tracker, it is able to track your friend’s device and then you will be able to help them. Some other safety app is Find My Friend, which is also a very helpful app among students as well.

8. Wake-up Apps

It is one of the most impossible tasks of a student’s life is to wake up in time for class. It is a very difficult task to get up, get ready and run to class in time.

Here, apps like Alarmy: Sleep If You Can and Sleep Cycle help the students maintain their sleep routine and wake them up in time for class as well.


These above mentioned apps are helping students to make their life easier. If you as a student use these apps properly, then in no time you would be able to live a happy student life.

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