React Native development

Why Choose React Native for Your Mobile Tech Stack?

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The number of mobile phone users is increasing every year. The more the users of mobile phones, the more is the need for mobile apps. So, it is no wonder that the demand for mobile app development is increasing. People prefer cross-platform mobile app development as it can be time-saving and money-saving. If you want your mobile app to succeed you should make sure that you choose the right technology. Why is it so? It is because the right technology makes your app more stable and functional. There are too many mobile app development technologies in the market. Are you not sure which one to choose? React Native is one of the most sought-after cross-platform frameworks. Do you want to know why to choose React Native development? Here is an analysis.

What is React Native?

Before knowing the reasons for selecting React Native, you should know what it is. It is a framework based on JavaScript to develop Android and iOS apps. It was developed by Facebook during one of its hackathon sessions as its internal project. Later, it was released as an open-source project in 2015. Today, it is used by many popular organizations like Skype, Airbnb, Pinterest, and Bloomberg. When it was first released, none of the experts thought it would reach such tremendous success. However, it is used extensively and preferred by startups because of its fast performance, easy development, excellent community support, ease of use, and many more reasons.

How is React Native different from other frameworks?

React Native is often confused with other frameworks. Moreover, many are not able to decide between React and React Native and also between React Native and Native apps. React Native is different from other frameworks and has some unique features that make it preferable to others. How is React Native different from others?

React Native vs Traditional Native Languages for mobile app development

In the past mobile apps were developed using traditional native languages. This was changed altogether when Facebook introduced React Native. The hybrid cross-platform framework brought about a major change. What is the difference between React Native and traditional Natives when it comes to mobile app development? Which is better?

  • React Native is a hybrid framework. This means you can use a single code to run on multiple platforms like android and iOS. Instead, when you use native languages, you have to write different codes for different platforms.
  • JavaScript is the main language used for React Native mobile app development. On the other hand, you use Java or Kotlin for android app development and Swift or Objective-C for iOS for app development.
  • JavaScript handles the business logic of the app while the native realm manages the interactions of the device. This is a unique feature of React Native that other native applications don’t have.

React Native vs React

Both React and React Native was developed by Facebook. Moreover, they are based on JavaScript. They are not only powerful but also functional. However, there is one important difference between the two. React is primarily web-based. On the other hand, React Native is mobile-based. Although this is the main difference, there are many more differences. What are they?

  • React was developed when the technical experts of Facebook noticed that the updates made frequently were affecting their productivity. They wanted a framework that helped in automatic updates without affecting productivity and performance. So, React is an interactive tool that updates whenever there are changes in data. On the other hand, React Native open-source framework to improve mobile apps and also to improve functionality. React JS provides a lot of benefits but React Native is considered to be better because it can do more.
  • The components are different for both. React Native is a derivative itself but React is a base for Document Object Model. So, the components are not the same.
  • React is just a library and so it has a wide range of limitations. In contrast, React Native is not only a library but a framework as well.
  • The way you render code is also different. You render code from Document Object Model for React but you use mobile APIs for React Native development.
  • React Native is suitable only for simple calculations. On the other hand, React works better for complex calculations. However, when it comes to mobile app development, React Native is the best option. This is because it is a solid framework. Moreover, its API helps in integrating and improving the performance of a mobile app. So, there is no doubt that React Native is not only different from React but also more beneficial.

Pros of React Native

  • Reuse of code

When you use React Native, you can reuse the same code for both iOS and Android. The good news is that 90% of the code can be reused between the two platforms. So, you will be able to save cost as well as time. Cost-saving and time-saving features are very important in this competitive technical world. Moreover, you have another advantage. You can use the web application codes for mobile app development if the codes are written in Java.

  • Best performance

Its main benefit is that it improves the performance of the app as it uses different threads from APIs and Ui. Moreover, React Native is very fast as it uses the GPU and CPU.

  • Community support

Most people know that React Native was developed by Facebook. The technical experts of Facebook are giving continuous support to the framework. There is a huge team of developers who keep on sharing their knowledge. Moreover, you get access to several components free of cost.

  • Great UI

React Native development provides a great user experience as the User Interface is simplified. After developing a good app you should make sure that the sequence is right. React Native is very useful for this step.

  • Live and hot reloading feature

The live reload feature is a unique feature that most of the other frameworks don’t have. To know the effect of this feature, open two windows. One window is for coding and the other window is for the mobile screen. The changes you make in coding are instantly reflected in the other window. This how and live reloading facility is useful while making updates.

 Reasons to Choose React Native For Your Mobile Tech Stack

  • It is simple to develop

The development process is simplified. Therefore, it is easy to develop apps using React Native. In fact, experts point out that a developer can develop a React Native app even if he is not familiar with Java and Objective C. Moreover, if you already know React, you can easily become a React Native developer. It is just an easy transmission that you can do hassle-free. You can create a React Native app even if you are a front-end developer. Anyone who knows JavaScript can easily learn the technology

  • It has Cross-platform compatibility

This is an important reason because you can save your precious time and money when you use the same code for Android and iOS. When you develop the app fast, you will be able to launch it also quickly. Moreover, you need not hire separate developers.

  • You can create rich UI

Do you want your app to have a rich UI with components like buttons, sliders, slicker, and others? If so, you have to choose React Native as it offers rich UI at a cheaper price. Apps with rich UI are essential to beat the competition.

  • Developers can build high-performing apps

React Native is a wonderful choice for building an app from scratch as well as to make changes in an existing app This is because it uses a simple but strong binding strategy to build the codebase. So, you are assured of a more stable and high-performing app with React Native development when compared to other cross-platform frameworks.

  • You can use UI libraries that are ready-to-use

Ready-to-use libraries refer to codes already written by other developers. You just have to implement them. Furthermore, React Native provides a lot of libraries to make it easier for developers to develop an app.

  • Debugging is easy

Bugs are a big issue for developers. Developers prefer React Native because it has intelligent tools for debugging. Therefore, they can concentrate on production instead of worrying about fixing the bugs. It is not only easier for the developers, but also reduces the development time and cost.

  • You can rely on the community to support you

The React Native community is large. You can rely on it to solve your problems in the development as well as the maintenance stage. The problems you get might have been faced by someone else and he would have solved them. So, you can fix problems easily.


React Native is the best framework for developing mobile apps. React Native development is widely used for creating apps related to social media, health care, travel, finance, shopping, real estate, logistics, and many more. It is trusted by popular organizations like Uber, Skype, Facebook, Walmart, Adidas, etc. What more proof do you want to prove that React Native is the right choice for your tech stack development?

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